Friday, September 4, 2009


I recently got extensions and the fusion tool came with it so my mom just put them in for me but when we started to put them in we realized they were REALLY thin at the end (they were 22 inches which I was planning on cutting thinking theyd be TOO long, not the case..) and I was really upset about it cause it felt like a rip off and I didnt think it looked nice, anyways. I told her to start to put them in a little bit lower down so it'd look longer (youre supposed to put them almost at the scalp so they dont pull out and ruin your hair). Bad idea, i've already ripped out two out of annoyance because they'll be hanging on by like two hairs and it bugs me. Idk if im like ocd towards it but its really getting to me haha. I almost want to just give up and take them out even though they've only been in like less than a week but I guess i'll tough it out for a few months and possibly consider getting newer, hopefully nicer ones..

Love, Emily.