Wednesday, September 16, 2009

For the love of procrastination..

So, I stayed home from school today because I have possible swine flu characteristics and now its faded more into a just normal crappy flu and now I dont want to do everything even though its 10:30 at night and I still need to shower and go to bed but I thought no, Im going to update my blog instead. I don't really have anything nice and exciting but heres some random pictures.

New bag for school ahah yay

Outfit I'm going to wear tomorrow, haven't worn any of these things so thats exciting I suppose.

woo heres my bedroom. I kid you not. It is actually this messy, It looks like thats my bed on the floor, but thats just an extra matress that was pulled out from under my bed the other weekend when Vass and Meliss stayed the night and it has been yet to put away, I'm kind of embarresed now with how disgusting my room is hahah Oh well!

Before my very last Electric Circus dance at school :( I love this pic, make up was done in a hurry but I got many compliments on it so thats all that matters right.

And look! I can do a more naturalish look, my boyfriend thinks I cant because I always have either bright colors or smokey eyes.

I suppose I better go shower now though.. I'm contemplating whether or not going to school tomorrow, my classes are stupid so its not like they matter hahah. Ill see how I feel in the morning I guess.

Love, Emily.